imported an fbx files of a city block, and when viewing in texture mode, its fine, all working as normal but when I switch to material mode or render view, its all pink??
I have looked on youtube and around the web but all the methods I have tried didn’t work.
(I am using cycles btw)
also funny thing is, I have a few different variations on the city block and some of the buildings work normal and others not??
I’ve sometimes had troubles like this when I import something into cycles that was created using Blender Render.
I’ve been looking around for a city block. Is this one publicly available? If so, could you provide the link or the blend? I can import to cycles and let you know my findings in Blender 2.78.
Typically an import will only create blender internal materials. To use cycles you either have to use a BI > Cycles converter or create the materials manually using the image textures (which should have been imported).
which is for use in the after effects plug in, element 3d, but you can download other 3d formats like fbx etc
I had to convert the fbx file using autodesk fbx convertor but its a really nice 3d pack with separate buildings and also pre made city sections
Thanks for the link, Shonuff. Video Copilot’s stuff it great. Not sure which version of Element 3D I have, but in any case the scene is much more elaborate that what I’ve been looking for. I was just looking for some backdrop stuff, which I started building this week. I did find something useful on BlendSwap, too.
ok I am very new to blender and cycles, but just opened up the node editor and moved some of the noodles around and moving the image texture>mix color from color 2 to color 1 fixed it!!!
if this has sorted the problem, there is no danger in me messing stuff up moving things around in the node editor is there please?
I did a quick render export and all seems fine.