Materials, Unwrapping and UV

Is it possible to, for example, create an animal mesh, then add materials with textures like Magic or something (it’s an odd animal). Now, instead of unwrapping the model in the UV window, I wanted to unwrap (flatten) the animal in a new mesh object in the 3d window and render it so I can use the rendered image in the UV to apply in the game.

(I hope my idea is clear, I wrote it in a rush :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance.

I think what you’re getting at is baking the material into a texture, in which case yes, that’s straightforward in the 2.43 release candidates. Go take a look at those, specifically looking at the “render baking” feature. Of course, you’ll still need to unwrap the UVs as usual.


Not sure why you’d want to, UV wrapping would be far easier than flattening the mesh?

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do you mean, you want to bake a procedural tex, and appy the baked tex to another, similar (perhaps lower-poly) mesh? if so, if they share similar UV coordinates, yes.