Maxon awarded $200,000 Epic MegaGrant

Many of you mention games… I do not think that Epic goal is to push Maxon to be more game developer friendly. Maxon doing very well in some part of market. Now consider that Epic want to expand usage of UE in other fields. I’m sure that all of you see high quality renders in UE… archviz, automotive, even product renders. Such level of quality was reserved for Vray, Corona just couple years ago. Not to mention his attempt to step in movie production. We live in Interesting Time™ :wink: border between media are not so clear anymore. So this step is logic, considering Maxon “inertia”.

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I want to analyzing the purpose of these Mega Grants, I do it here because with Maxon, Epic is demonstrating that it wants to go beyond the boundary of open source, and is following a very specific strategy for the purpose of something, and one cannot not keep consider what happened with Apple and Google, who have banned Fortnite from their Stores because according to them Epic has violated their rules by putting internal monetization without going through their stores by donating 30% of the transactions to them.
On the other hand, Epic denounced these rules as an anti-competitive monopoly that violates the laws.
So putting these two events together, what do you think is the real purpose of Epic?

I think it is not only for the game industry, with this Covid, everything is moving online, also other types of work typically done in offices and so on, it is clear that reality simulators, remote collaborative work, and much more will soon take much more importance, both in VR and AR and in automotive simulators … strategically Epic is placing itself in a position of dominance, and it does so by making development on its Engine and online services easy. And I think the real reason why Apple and Google have been so aggressive towards Epic is the real reason they want to slow down Epic’s strategy.

Because for that price, they make it themselves. :slight_smile: