Maya settings for 2.5


My problem is that I can’t seam figure out how to make maya settings the default. in the user prefrences I click on maya, but if I close then re-open Blender the settings change to the middle mouse button click being dolly. How do I save Maya settings to default?

Have you tried using ctrl-U after you’ve selected the Maya settings…

Yes I have, multiple times. Could it be some kind of error?

Possibly something NYI (Not Yet Implemented)… Sound like you might have to set it all manually :frowning:

Hmm, now that I checked it dosn’t save any settings really, it no matter what I set and save as the default it just goes back to original default with turntable instead of trackball…

On recent builds, the path for the startup file has changed. Before, it was in the same folder root where Blender resided. Within the folder /.Blender.

Now, it does not matter where you install it, the path is the same under :
C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.53\config\startup.blend

i do not know what version you are using, but in earlier versions of 2.5 including Alpha and 2.49 the file was named: B.blend Now is startup.blend Blender is currently saving all configurations without problems.

First off, Animaticoide, thank you for your time, I see you seam to help allot of other memders here.

second, forgive me for being vague earlier, the scene is saving properly as default, but I cant get the user preferences to save. I set them, then the next time I open the program they have changed back to original. Is this just the way blender works?


I have the exact same problem Novaslayer ! I’m on Snow Leopard, what operating system are u in ?

Windows 7

Good to know I’m not the only one.

Yeap, I did understand that you were trying to save the default settings ( Preferences Crtl-U ). What is weird is that you said that it does not save anything. I don’t know about Windows 7. I am using Vista for now. So if you change your windows settings ( let’s say you divide the screen on 5 windows and press Crtl-U, does it start like brand new the next time? Or you have problem just saving the Maya settings?:rolleyes: May be an issue with Windows 7?

Are you using one of the recent builds from ?

It will save split screens, so I guess it’s just any altered settings. It looks like someone els had this problem and they had to change it manually, is there perhaps a tute for doing this? (Not necessarily for going to may just the manual change in general) Also, do you think this could be linked to my problem of default blender settings for moving armatures?


Well honestly I don’t think so. Moving Armatures is the daily bread of every blender user :)…However a glitch makes everything possible.

I have my own startup.blend file and it has always worked good. However I haven’t changed the whole bunch of preferences, so the problem could be there with some of them that noone has changed yet. Just to let you know, this weekend I installed Windows 7 32 bits, and everything works good. So the problem isn’t related to Windows 7 either. Get the latest build at Graphicall.

I’m pretty certain I just dwonloaded it 2.5-r31689 was the one I got, it was on the top of the list so I assumed it was the most recent.

Novaslayer, have you noticed other users having the same problem ? or is just us ?

Novaslayer, There is someone else with the same problem:

I downloaded 2.54 today, I’m able to save any setting as default like not showing splashscreen … etc but still I couldn’t figure out how to save the custom maya presets as default … sigh

I can confirm in works perfectly now in 2.55 !

you’re lucky, I’m still having that problem even with 2.55.