Okay I am going to start another WWII project. I am sure that this has been modeled to death, but I would like to try my hand at it. I have only had a couple of hours to play with this so far, but I am begining with the frame. I will add some more as it comes along.
for a minute I thought you modeled the jeep on the right. Looks good so far.
The parts you have done look good.
Thanks for the confedence shadowabne, I hope it looks that good when I finish.
I am not sure if I will touch this on the weekend but I have added some tires.
nice, that will look cool, I like the wheels but the axis looks allittle too um… spherish
THe tires look really great dude
I did not really get to work on this over the weekend, but here is the progress from what little I did do.
looks pretty good
On a side note… Your name… yeah, it is a not nice name.
(say it out loud)
Looks Brill, i love the detail, you can see the individual leaf springs!!!
Okay I have gotten a couple of extra details and I think I am getting ready for materials and texture.
Anybody see anything I am missing?
looks sweet, you missed off the wing mirrors
joeab you are right, thanks.
I think I also will set up a spare tire on the back and a tail gate.
it may look cool on the bonnet like n old landie!
joeab thanks for the suggestion, I thought about the spare on the hood idea, but I will need option open to lower the windshield.
I added a couple of pics with basic materials and a couple of textures.
looks good!