MDR importer help
I imported bones as empties but they look really strange. But, their coordinates are right IMHO. Because vertices are calculated correctly out of them. (vertices are calculated they are not present in the file)

Each vertex of MDR format has a weight list.
weight.index := bone index
weight.weight := weight of the bone
weight.offset := offset of the vertex relative to index bone.

and each frame has a list of bones. (there is no bone hierarchy )
a bone is a 3x4 matrix: a 3x3 rotation matrix + 1x3 translation matrix


Any help/idea is welcome.

Edit: It is solved. I calculated the average offsets for each bone and moved them along these using their matrices. Effectively putting them closer to the vertices they effect the most. Dunno if it is the right way but the positions look correct now

Can you show a pic of what you mean by “strange”?

Sorry I forgot.
(The ones which were placed correctly are tag bones i.e. bones that has no effect on vertices)
On an irrelevant side note, setting world matrix and using rotation angle_axis doesn’t work as I expected

thanks. it is fixed