I’ve been putting off posting this for a while now as I’m not really happy about how it turned out… but I got an A grade for it, so it can’t be that bad :eyebrowlift: plus I haven’t posted a finished project for quite a while…
This image was for my art (AS-level) coursework, where the brief was to make an image to express some part of you (hence the terribly uncreative title :p). Sorry about the low resolution… I might try and make a bigger one soon.
I like it, looks very dark though. I could only see the eyes at first, I had to increase the brightness in photo shop to see the rest of the image. But I think the gamma on my monitor is to low. I like the eyes. The lips look a touch too purple and bright, but thats just my opinion. Good job
I am not really sure what to say about the image, I can’t really see a message in it, sorry. If i really try to find one, the message I am getting is that you are closely examinging the path that lies ahead of you? (hence the magnifying glass and bright eyes) It is good modelling, though, and I can see some post processing, which adds to it. Overall there is a vague feeling of contentment running through it, since the face really isn’t showing any emotion. You obviously have skill, I just think that you could definitely improve on this piece, nice work all the same.
Thanks Chinley2 and Brookesy for your comments - I appreciate it!
Chinley2: Thank you! I think it’s just about bright enough so you can see most things in the image… on my monitor anyway - which btw isn’t correctly calibrated, so maybe if someone else comments on the brightness I might have to change the image a bit
Brookesy: Thanks a lot; I spent ages modelling the face especially, so I’m glad you like it!
I agree I didn’t have that much of a focus when I was making this - I just started modelling myself (with no hair :p) and added some other things to try and add some meaning. I think it’s mainly because I didn’t pre-plan anything - I just let it progress organically in a way.
Thanks for your interesting interpretation as well - would be good to hear what interpretations others have…