After I delete an object in 3D space, there’s still its Mesh in OOPS outliner. Is there a way to get rid of those unused Meshes?
save your file after deleting… then re-open it
You can’t have a Mesh without an Object. Either you deleted all the Verts in Edit mode (and your object is still there with a mesh that has no geometry) or the Mesh is linked to some other Object.
Well, I have “empty” mesh as well as “empty” object in the OOPS schematic after I delete sth in 3d space, while they aren’t in the outliner.
Saving, closing and opening again does’n help…
What is goin’ on?
Howcome the OOPs window (screen9gu) shows it but not the Outliner (screen29vs) ?
Basically if you can’t select it in the Outliner Window (LMB) then it’s not there and maybe the OOPS window is not refreshing. I don’t know. If you want us to take a look upload your file here:
Strange, I opened this file several times and there were those “ghost” object and mesh.
Now they dissapears…
My windoze goin’ crazy.
After all thanks a lot.
It happened after I wisited, so it seems to be quite clear what happened
You can’t have a Mesh without an Object. Either you deleted all the Verts in Edit mode (and your object is still there with a mesh that has no geometry) or the Mesh is linked to some other Object.
I have to disagree – deleting a mesh object doesn’t delete the mesh data. Open the scene with the default cube and then in object mode add a sphere and delete it in object mode. Then in the Link and Materials tab in the edit buttons window you can still link the cube object to the deleted spheres mesh data. I use this fact all the time by putting place holder objects in my scenes and then later appending the mesh data and linking the mesh data to my placeholders.
The OOPS window is correct but the outliner doesn’t show unlinked data --I don’t know if this is a bug or feature. Perhaps jendrzych had the “f” button depressed which saves the unlinked data upon exit.
I have to disagree
Sure, but I wrote that after he said that saving and reopening didn’t work.
Sure, but I wrote that after he said that saving and reopening didn’t work.
re-read the thread. I know what you meant though I just though I would clarify it in case someone actually used search – as unlikely as that seems.
Then in the Link and Materials tab in the edit buttons window you can still link the cube object to the deleted spheres mesh data. I use this fact all the time by putting place holder objects in my scenes and then later appending the mesh data and linking the mesh data to my placeholders.
Hold the phone… could you give a little bit more detail about this? I’m not really sure quite what you’re saying here, but it’s got a useful ring to it… I don’t mean to hijack the thread… maybe you could describe this technique a little in a separate thread?
Apologies Greybeard, yes I should read again before shooting my mouth off.
Bugman, add a cube and a cone then goto F9, Links and materials tab and open the ME: menu and you can link the cube’s Mesh to the Cone and v/v. You can do this with any Mesh Object the same as you can link Curve Data with curves or Armatures or any Primitive Type as long as they are of the same type.
I see! I had no idea you could do that, although I’d kind of idly wondered about the two fields in the links and materials panel. That is really cool. I’ll have to experiment a bit to see how this works with armature deformations…
Hey bugman_2000,
For more info on this topic, see if you can find Greybeard’s video tutorial on appending data.
It’s an older version of Blender, but the method’s the same and seeing it in video maked the concept really clear!
Greybeard’s video tutorial on appending data.
How’d I miss that? I will definitely check that one out. Thanks!
Could you post a link? I don’t see it on Greybeard’s vid tut site, unless it’s one of the Over the Shoulder sessions… (which I guess I should probably watch anyway…)
Never mind. Found it.