Mean frog-fish

Hello Blenders,

since you all are such a sublime gathering of great artists whose works I have been really impressed by, I decided to join you and present my latest work. I’ve been into the black and white style for some time, but recently i discovered the translucency-node and i converted the finished fish into something even less realistic. I hope you like it and have a nice weekend.

Thats an awesome render! And scary at the same time i wouldnt wanna be swimmin anywhere near that thing!!! Tutorial maybe??? :smiley:

Really nice pictures, both of them!! there is only a few things that drives my atention away… the inside of the mouth could have a bit more detail (the tongue appears to come from the palate, and bellow the tongue there is some kind of void)… and the eye could be a bit less bumped…
Beside that, it’s a very good job indeed!! :wink:

ha ha I always loved this type of creatures :slight_smile: great work

I gave 4 stars!!! Simply because like Secrop said…a few tweaks here and there and it would be perfect!!!

Nice work, cool render!

thank you all.

i interpreted the mouth from the reference picture i had. it seemed that beneath the tongue, which actually wasnt meant to look like a tongue ( :smiley: ), there was no skin, so the mouth was open from two sides.
and the eye. yeah. i had big problems with it. i tried to have it physically correct, and it didnt work out. so …

making fishes is allways very dificult to make in 3d, and deep sea creatures are even more difficult!! (and physically correct, it’s more like a nightmare, just not to say impossible!!)
about the eye, try to use multiple glossy shaders with different normals pluged in. this can add a lot of depthness to transparent/translucent layered materials. (layer weight or fresnel are a good factor for mixing)

even if you want that cat eye reflection in the back of the eye, fake it with a glossy with a normal equal to the incoming ray…

edit>this was my first reference to this kind of materials, and i use the same logic till now, albeit the physically inaccurrency. Hope it helps. :wink: