Mean looking chinese guy

Hello everyone, even though I visit this excellent site for some time, this is my first drawing, wich i made with the sculping tool in about 4 hours.

I hope u like it, criticism wellcome!

Best wishes,

José Carvalho


Is your goal for him to actually be chinese? In that case, you need to flatten the back of the head. Regardless of his race, the eyes should be lowered also, they look about an inch or two too high. (that goes for the nose too) Without the head-flattening I recommend retitling the thread to “mean looking japanese guy” lol. Nice work, though. Good job.

man that was fast!
I actually had no idea of the race when i started drawing, i just wanted him to look mean! your right !thanks for your post!

it was made without reference, so proportion errors must exist…

i know nothing bout head modelling and face proportions but i do know that i wouldn’t wanna mess with him!!! i can sort off imagine him with loads of yakuza style gang tatooos :). looks good :smiley: