Mechanical Arm - Update!!

Allright folks, if you must have it with the halo’s shut off, here it is! :wink: Enjoy!

very, very cool stuff…
but i need to make a beginner question… how do you make that metal texture??

mvotre - if you look at the beginning of the thread I answer that question before anyone asked it, and I’ve got links posted. Thanks for the comments everyone! Keep em coming!

Here’s another update. I think I may call it quits on this one because I really don’t have anything I want to do with it. So I’m putting it here in WIP if anyone has any clever suggestions. BTW I know the lighting is awful but like I said its not really “done”. So! If anyone has a good idea or two, please lemme know.

How about an animation of it dragging itself across the floor with the arm? :smiley:
Nice work