I miss the heavy metal, the screaming missiles and the buzzing ultra autocannon…
So I made a Thor eastern style.
:mad: When are they going to make a new MechWarrior game with physic and all the stuff ? ! ! ! I am fed up with competitive death match and WWII reenactement.
Well, seems like there will be no big mechwarrior games for some times. miss them too, but wouldn’t have a chance to play them anyway (no copy of windows and no time at all).
To the model, It looks really good, but it seems to be ways too round. Here is a pic of the battletech mini, If you like to enhance your model a bit.
some pieces could use some sharpenning on the joints. Especially on the guns (but I’m guessing you might not be finished on those part since most of the model is kick ass). I must say this is an awesome interpretation of that mech.
Simply awesome. It is uniquely amazing, I love it. I hope for a render! Is going great! Fantastic work, I have been a deep fan of BattleTech since I discovered the first PC game for it.
Great model! I join crowd asking for more! (Hopefully a render).
I do miss my MW battles too, or anything Battletech-related for that matter (although I could live without the animated series), and fan-made BT doesn’t really make up the lack of a real MW5. However, when I remember that the 'mechs are still in possession of Clan Redmond Monkey, I suddenly don’t feel so eager to see battle. Am I the only one who thinks MW4 sucked worse than a black hole?
:o will try to make a render. For now I have too much work… I found that MW4 as well as mercenaries sequel sucked big balls… But it was better than nothing though.