MediaChicken Public Forum OPEN!

We are happy to announce our opening of our public forums! You don’t have to be a real developer to get in on the action, we have great resources aswell as a great community of users and devs alike! Feel free to join! You no longer need my ok to join, but normal users can’t view our super secrete dev forums.

I’m announcing this aswell as the announcement of our new merchandise! We now have Mugs and Shirts! We will open our shop before long!

Link to forums:

please support by joining the forums and post a bit, there may not be any public posts now, but we have to start somewhere!

Thanks for your support.

The MediaChicken Team.

EDIT:: You have to be registered to view our resources.

Posting a bit ?

Careful now . . .

wtf? A grammatical error? Oh no the world will end now.

Wtf are you talking about?

All I wanted was some Mugs and Shirts. But since I have to register to get these . . . well to freeze.

What are you talking about? If you want mugs and shirts you just have to wait till our store opens, besides what’s so wrong about registering? Seriously… hit register type a username and password BAM you have access to all of our resources…


I’ll register shortly.

But I am a dis-satisfied customer until I get my Mugs and Shirts.

Omg, you can’t be serious… you don’t even know what they look like.

I am not satisfied either… wanna join a class action lawsuit?

Can you define “we”, please?

we have great resources

Where are the resources?

aswell as a great community of users and devs alike!

Where’s the great community of users and devs you’re talking about here?

Feel free to join! You no longer need my ok to join, but normal users can’t view our super secrete dev forums.

How humble…

I’m announcing this aswell as the announcement of our new merchandise! We now have Mugs and Shirts! We will open our shop before long!

As noted above, people can’t wait to order your mugs and shirts.

You have to be registered to view our resources.

Really? Why would I register on a website without any knowledge about what I’m going to get in return? Would you register on some unknown site just because the owner is bragging about how great it is?

Anyway, my point is this: this is not a good way to start your site.

owned XD

please support by joining the forums and post a bit,
LOL! post a bit?
they say it all, thanks oogsnoepje !
Civx forum is more Fun, I did not join, but If i want to join, take Civx`s forum than this (not really!) :stuck_out_tongue:

I really don’t care, we have an active community of developers, when I say “we” I’m referring to the (9?) devs that are with us. We don’t have a community really of normal users, mostly devs. I don’t really care weather you join or not really, our resources includes textures, models, scenes, tutorials, and music.

And seriously what’s so bad about joining? You know how many sites I’ve joined just to go to once and never return?

But 10 is a nice round number.:frowning:

No, how many?

Then who’s in the group of the 9(?) devs? Don’t be shy!

We don’t have a community really of normal users, mostly devs. I don’t really care weather you join or not really, our resources includes textures, models, scenes, tutorials, and music.

You don’t really care whether someone joins or not? That’s not a good way to attract people to visit your site, don’t you think? I mean, if not even you care, why would we?

And seriously what’s so bad about joining? You know how many sites I’ve joined just to go to once and never return?

You missed the point :slight_smile: it’s only “bad” because you’re starting off on the wrong foot. Start small, be humble, and actually act like you care.

Oh, and don’t flame your early visitors, they are crucial in making or breaking your site. Try to be friendly towards them, even if they’re being total asses.

Donkeys are cool!

Protip: He’s not being serious. And neither is anyone else in this thread. Have you spent much time on the internet?


(omg, I’ve actually never used that before)

Here’s our list of current developers:

Empire (me)

My bad there’s only 8, but we have a few other pending devs who may make or not make the team.

Not trying to start a flame or anything, but when someone asks for a list I am a man of my word.

I’m your newest member at the moment.:slight_smile:

Who are you on there BTW?

sorry… developers of what??
what is this about? i went to the FAQs and there wasn’t anything about what this website was about…

all i could pull from this discussion is you sell mugs and t-shirts… anything else?