
Bonez4ever: Since you’re the second person requesting a side angle shot… here you go. But I concentrated on the front since that’ll be the angle I’ll use for the final still (roughly).

Bedtime now… maybe I can do the next telescope tomorrow evening.


Added another telescope… one more maybe… not quite sure yet. I think it needs an old school one.


The placement of that new telescope is… unfortunate :eyebrowlift2:

Other than that I really like the concept, meerkats are awesome!

Rofl… well… Too much failblog for you! hehe… that wasn’t the new one. I moved it… and resized the one on the left that is new. BTW, placement and scene are completely up in the air right now. I have some ideas, but not 100% sure what it will turn into.


I just think the binoculars are the coolest aspect of this. I’d love a fanny pack and tourist hat to go with it, lol. Great modeling.

may be you need some dark sky with big stars to look at like orion or the big dipper!

build a night scene with a camp fire ect…

happy blendering

LOL Bao2, that cracks me up. If I had a point to make that would have done it! Thanks… I needed a good laugh.

Been a while since I last updated the thread… haven’t had too much time to play around… got a day or two now, so I finished another telescope… the coin operated kind.

I know what I’ll do with the “scene” as well now… going to be a lot of work!

