Meet the Bozon5000

This is my WIP for the Weekend Challenge: The Bozon5000. It needs a few more parts. I was thinking about some big transformers on the side things maybe. I am kind of going for a retro 50s sci-fi/mad scientist laboratory look. Any suggestions?

A big red lever or something to switch it on… a button is soo cliche :wink:

Something with liquid in it??? bubbling preferred hehe

yes, a big red lever, with a sign that says warning or something

I’m not sure where I would put one without throwing off the symmetry. <<<EDIT>>> never mind, I made the panels in the middle smaller so I could fit on some larger stuff.

I hope you’re planning on completing it, even after the WC. Sorry, but you got me thinking off a complete lab, full of crazy stuff.
Add a couple of lightbulbs, and make it bigger (the less compact, the more BONK!)

Here’s the Bozon, finished for the WC, but as SmokeyJoe suggested I think I will use it in an anim or something.

add monkey lol!!

I dunno whether I like the grainyness or if it bugs me… Have you thought of doing it up like an old discoloured photograph… basicly B&W but with a bit of dirty red added?

i love it, but WAY to much noise… i love the levers

Needs coils like the ones on top of the brain jar and spark particles to give it that mad science touch. Good work, I’m cheering for you.

Thanks that’s a good idea. I just learned how to use bev ob correctly, so I am thinking, if I have time, of reworking it a bit. Nice render btw.

Thanks, that’s a scene for a music video i’ve been working on and off for the last 5 months. Those electrodes are cylinders scaled down at the top with a sphere added at the end, and flattened cylinders spaced out evenly vertically.