So here is the model for X based on X8 in a standing pose.
Now for a little back story:
After the cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3, I felt like I had a good excuse to go back to an idea I had several years ago. I decided that Unity3D would be my development platform of choice.
Update: I have tweaked the original model to be less blocky. Poly Count 940
New Update: 09/14/11
If I am posting in the wrong section of the forums, I would like to apologize.
Now to cue everyone in on this project. I would like to get MMX fans involved in the development of this fangame. Before I get far though, I would like to produce a proof of concept. The current goal is to create a demo, a boss battle in this case, to show off the basic gameplay elements and that this endeavor is possible. If successful, I would like to contact Capcom’s PR division for permission to continue (don’t want a cease and desist late in production :() … I am going to need help to make this on a decent schedule so this is the part where fans come in.
Here is what is needed:
Modelers will be handling creating 3D assets for levels, characters, exc
Texture Artists will handle UV Unwrapping and creating image textures
Riggers will handle needed rigs for characters, fortunately, one biped rig can handle most of the complex bosses.
Programmers (Unity3D API) will hand AI, Gameplay, and Misc Behaviors
If anyone has great experience in Unity3D, I would like an adviser during the development. I can handle the 3D aspects of modeling assets and I can understand scripts that have plenty of comments ;). I welcome any questions, comments, and volunteers.
I have done several animations for the puffer fish character. I present to you, the walk cycle.
I also did animations for jumping, swimming, attacks, exc … However, I do have one question. For the arm bones, what up-axis works best for IK constraint in blender? I’ve been having problems when using drivers to transition between IK and FK controls. The arm rotates on the y axis during the transition. Thank you for the help.
PS: Still slots open for creating proof of concept demo
I would like to apologize if this video being password protected is an inconvenience to anyone. Click to Watch Video Password: eclipse
My coding skills are my weakest point, but hopefully I can get some help in that area. Functional Code and Good Code are very different things. So I would say that the proof of concept stage is coming along. I welcome any questions, comments, or advice.
On that note, when building a team/collaboration, is there any advice on generating interest? I understand that it’s no easy task, especially when dealing with other IPs. One thing I will try to do is get permission from Capcom before taking this project very far.
You know what? I was once thinking about the same thing a long time ago. I wanted to recreate the X series starting with the first one. Of course, there was going to be some redesigns to X, Zero, Sigma, and Vile. Just hope that you don’t get shut down like the Chrono Trigger Project so many years ago.