
i found good article related to game development hope it’s usefull to all here.

hope someday blenderGE will be able to do this kind of stuff.


I disagree about that being a good article, he discusses almost none of the technical details… so I have no place to begin looking at how difficult it would be to implement such a feature.

Well, it’s interesting, even if he didn’t and possibly couldn’t give many details. He must have figured out a way to cut a large texture up smaller and load pieces on the fly as they apply to vertexes. I’m sure it adds some interest visually, but like Carmack said, it’s a very small part of a game. I’d much rather see someone come up with an interesting and original game concept myself. Carmack is always interesting though. It’s mainly because he kept writing games with opengl that opengl is still around, and he’s donated code to open source. His comments on LOD were interesting also. He apparently doesn’t see much of a use for it. Kind of surprised me.