
Umm, hi everyone. I’m new here to blenderartists. The name’s Funky-O-shi (as opposed to funky-aw-shi, which I have been called before…) Nice ta meetcha. Anyway, I’ve been surfing the forums for a while now and have been meaning to register on this site. But I didn’t want to register until I had something good to post.
Well, now I have finally made something…
It took me several tries to get the lighting and texturing right, and about an hour and a half to render with indigo. I did some post-pro in the GIMP (obviously). Added a title and I was done. Not hard really, but I liked how it came out. Well, here it is. Meijin.

(Note: For those of you who actually play Go, I’m not anywhere close to being a master, I’m barely 15th kyu. So please don’t look at this and say…“Hey, white shoulda played there.” lol) :mad: No seriously though…

… lol. Welcome on board. And 5*'s on the “Go” render. Would love more of your work - the subtle colours and high detail are very good.

Thanks. I hope to post more renders on this site sooner or later.

your balls look a little squashed to me.

They are not balls, they are stones. You can google some images if you like. Search for, the game of Go.

Very good!