Melting skull effect with Blender 4.2?

Has anyone watched the Youtube video that shows this skull melting effect? I am a beginner and I have followed this tutorial three times and still cannot achieve this effect! I get as far as having the skull disappear (melting effect 1). But I cannot generate this stream of particles from the second (duplicate) skull. Not sure I can post the Youtube link for the video, but here is a screenshot of what I cannot create. There seem to be a few steps missing in the tutorial as it is not clearly explained how to get the “skull” to melt into these blue particles.

Thank you very much.

The link to you tube is working, if you put the link on its own line you get the preview.

Like this.

As for the question I am not sure which part does not work for you, that type of tutorial annoys me because you have to pause it all the time to follow the instructions.


Thank you. Re question: I cannot get that blue flow to work as shown in the screenshot. I got as far as creating the “Domain cube.” Then it seems that the tutorial does not explain how to set up the domain for the blue “Liquid” to flow. I am figuring one of the two duplicate skulls is set up to “flow” but as a beginner, I’m not getting it via trial and error.

And when I set up the two skulls the way it is explained, Boolean 1 and 001, the second skull stops “dissolving” properly.

I did put the youtube tutorial on 0.25 speed so I could follow it. And I did pause it alot. To no avail.

Do you have a suggestion on how I can get objects to “melt” dynamically?

Thank you so much. JeM

Hi, the video is a little out of date (3.3) but you can still follow it,

First he sets up the domain at 3.24 (after he selects the domain cube) and then he sets up the liquid emitter at 4.05 (after he selects the bottom slice of the skull)

You will find that some of the settings look different in 4.2, simulations have changed a bit, but you can still follow the vid and get a similar effect (just ignore the new settings and use the parameters they did)

I did not get those blue particles, the head just started melting.

Yea that bit is particularly fast! not sure if you did that weld modifier bit.
I did not do all the duplicate and boolean to get the slice of Suzanne, but if you do it should look more like the vid.

Now that I followed it I find the tutorial even more annoying, I recommend you find tutorials that actually explain what they are doing and what the parameters do!

Maybe this tutorial is better explained (also 3.3 but it should still work), not quite as fancy.
Most of the other tutorials I found where for melting with geometry nodes, which you might find even more challenging to start off with.

I forgot to link the video

I also recommend this one that explains liquid syms (in general not “melting”) in much more detail.

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Thank you so much for your assistance. I spent two solid days trying to figure this out. And I learned other tutorials pretty quickly.
(i.e. Blender Guru).
However, if you have a tutorial to recommend, to learn the “melting objects” technique, I’m willing to view them. Meanwhile, I will revisit the tutorial and try to do this using your advice.
RE: Weld - I had to remove the welding step because the second skull did not dissolve properly when I tried it. At least you got Suzanne to melt. You applied your more extensive experience with Blender I guess?
I am learning on 4.2 but I started the Blender guru (donut tutorial) on 4.1 in July 2024. Here’s the scenario I am playing with, after “graduating” from the Blender Guru tutorial.
I want to make that golden egg 'melt".