Memories on Christmas Day

Title: Memories on Christmas Day

This is my entry to BlenderGuru’s 2012 Christmas competition.An orphan with the memories of his father on Christmas day;
and the moment of instant happiness.

Made with: Blender 2.65
Post-processed with: GIMP and Darktable
Thank you so much for viewing. Merry Christmas to all! :slight_smile:


Reyn you always come up with the most unique and stylized stuff. Always simple with a kinda complexity…I dont know how you do it:P I would say above all things you have already tackled the most difficult thing as an artists which is finding your style which makes you unique:) Well done man!

They say a picture says a thousand words. This proves it. No matter what language you speak, you know immediately what this image is about and what it says. You are a genius :slight_smile:

Coming from you, Derek, this means a lot to me.

It has been a very wild ride for me, as far as creating style is concerned, and if you’ll check my earliest pieces dating back to 2003 and earlier, you’ll know what I mean. :wink: Above anything though, it’s the story-telling aspect of the creation process that I am so overwhelmed with and is the motivating factor for almost anything that I do.

With that said, thank you so much, Derek. Really, man.


Your style for architecture and landscape is definitely an inspiration to look up to.


Thank you so much for the very kind comment. Very appreciated. :slight_smile:
