hello first of all im so sorry if my question or post is doble somewhere but it seem i cant find topic similiar like me…so basicly whenever i open blender and for some reason my memory is raise to 99 until blender crash, i dont know how to reproduce the bug but evrytime i open it start to raise and after i close and open again for almost 4 to 5 time blender sudenly work fine, anothing thing is if i try close blender somehow in control panel there is another blender icon in there…so i need to force close from control panel
im using an asus strix laptop with nvidia rtx 4060 core i7 and ram 16gb
im using blender 3.6, i try to use blender 3.5 and it still give me same result.
also i post some screenshot of my control panel when i open blender
Check if an addon is causing the problem. Turn off all the addons. If that fixes the problem then turn the addons back on gradually. Two or three at a time until the problem appears again. Stop using any bad addons if they cannot be fixed. Or contact the maker.
If you are using cracked addons then delete them.
Blender has 2 executables by default. (Console/blender)
If you spend a lot of memory to run a blender, I think Addon is the problem. Problematic Addons can also be checked in the top menu → Window→ system console.
Memory growth during use is normal, and it is the image texture that consumes a large amount of memory. If there is an abnormal memory increase, you need to find the object or setting.
Rendering a scene consumes a lot of memory.
16Gb memory is not a small amount, but below the recommended specifications.