Menu system with python.

Im trying to cut down on as many logic bricks as possible.

The menu system setup is:


Logic Bricks:

Ipo, Property
Scene,Add scene
Scene,Add scene (for the second scene) Is there a way to use only one scene actuator, and define the scene within python?
Game, Quit game

The script so far:

import GameLogic as g
cont = g.getCurrentController()
owner = cont.getOwner()
sensors = cont.getSensors()
acts = cont.getActuators()

Down = sensors[0]
Up = sensors[1]
Enter = sensors[2]

Play = acts[0]
Scene = acts[1]
Scene2 = acts[2]
Quit = acts[3]

if (Down.isPositive()):
	owner.Menu +=1
if (Up.isPositive()):
	owner.Menu -=1

if (owner.Menu == 3) and (Enter.isPositive()):
if (owner.Menu == 2) and (Enter.isPositive()):
	g.addActiveActuator(Scene2,1)###########Is there a way to use only
if (owner.Menu == 1) and (Enter.isPositive()):##one actuator logic brick 
	g.addActiveActuator(Scene,1)############for multiple scenes??
if owner.Menu == 4:
	owner.Menu = 1
if owner.Menu == 0:
	owner.Menu = 3

Also, if anyone finds that im using logic bricks in places that could be done with just python plz tell me.

Thank you.

PS: Is there a site where I can find All of the blender GE APIs and “AND EXAMPLES ON THEIR USAGE”. The blender game documentation just lists them, which to me really isn’t all that much help. Python I know, but I need to find examples on using the BGE python API.

Looks good. You can fill in some of the actuator information and cut down I think, but it’s really not worth it.

Ok, now tell me where and how you think I can cut down.

The scene actuator has a method called setScene(). Therefore you only need one scene actuator. It appears you have two. Anyway, if you were using one actuator and had more than one scene, it would be necessary to call set scene on the actuator first.

That works fine, thank you for the insight.