menu text issue

Hi folks,

unfortunately I´ve got serious problem with the menu-text of blender. Actually it´s limited to the menu displayed when the spacebar is activated and some other parts. An example is to be found here >>> <<< screenshot.
What can I do?
I´m using 2.26
It´s the same with 2.28 (I´m not using 2.28 because it´s VERY unstable >>> prgram crashes…luckily my pc doesn´t)

Regards, Norman

Well… If you want you can just… Live with it. You can still make out what its what.

Or… Get blender 2.23.

unfortunately one can´t out what´s what everytime…especially with regard to tutorial texts, which are embedded.

by the way, how can I prevent 2.28 from crashing? It´s crashing nearly always.

System specs would help to maybe solve the problem, don’t you think?


i hope so:

p4 2ghz
512mb ddr ram
sis650 shared memory 3d (set to 32mb) >>> it´s a laptop
win2k pro sp4
1024/768 True color

If you need more information ask me.

Regards, Norman

by the way…I´m using directx9 and up to date graphics driver

by the way…I can fix the problem by using international fonts with blender 2.28. unfortunately 2.28 does crash very often (always after rendering a movie…and something just because of nothing). does anyone have a solution? I already tried 2.28a, but it doesn´t help… :frowning:

Saying that it crashes just like this doesn’t really help much. Is there any action (other than rendering movies) that makes it crash more often than not?

About the rendering crash, are you rendering to a new window or in the 3D view?


sometimes it crashes when I´m just working with blender (moving some objects, applying effects). however it always crashes after having finished rendering a movie (the output file is ok), in a separate windows (default) - it can also crash WHILE rendering. Therefor it rather rarely crashes when rendering a single image. 2.26 is running stable.