Merge 2 edges like a zipper?

I will admit that I still have a lot to learn and am probably going about this all wrong, so I ask

I would like to close these edges like a zipper, maintaining a smooth curve from the center line to the next set.

In the end it will be somewhat grappling hook shaped

certainly open to rebuilding another way based on the advice I get here.

thanks again for helping me figure this out
BH-Sphere3.0.blend (3.9 MB)

for each pair of opposing vertices, select them both and press M, then choose at Center. This will “zip” things right up the center

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that’s what I was initially thinking when I started down this road
of course what this really does is similar to bridge edge loops creating a flat face between the edges when I am looking for more of a knife edge


If you want the resulting edge to be sharp, just give it an Edge Crease. In Edge Select mode, press W, and choose Crease

Merge in progress, will figure out the crease to try and smooth and sharpen next

Hmm this is a very unclean topology at the borders… maybe you can use something you have used to get there…
Any way selecting the edge (non-manifold and then deselect unwanted) and then using the bridge tool gives connected edges which can be row selected and then scaled individual (pivot point) using proportianl editing doesnt help because this may have to be weighted :

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You could use the TinyCad add-on:

I tried to do it in a quick way but the geo is to messy, i guess it would be easier to start new
take one “blade”
cut it in half
mirror to a whole
and array object offset with 120 degress will give you same edges to connect.

Maybe clean up with limited desolve to get rid of the boolean extra vertices before convert to mesh
to work on the zip part.

Yes the edge topology is painful at this point. Perhaps this is a better way from the start
I modeled it using a plane and using boolean to shape with a series of circles.
Then I went to get the compound curve by shrink wrapping it to a sphere, but it was a total mess as a single face. Eventually I used a grid plane and knife project to create the topo we have now…

trick is I want the inner edges of this (the ones we are talking about now to have a smaller radius than the ones on top…

actually as I think about this perhaps modeling this in 2D to start and duplicating and offsetting by 120 is the wrong approach.

Perhaps using a collection of spheres (8 if I am counting right would produce this shape in the gap between them all… but how to tease it out

thanks for your response

Yes the edge topology is painful at this point. Perhaps this is a better way from the start
I modeled it using a plane and using boolean to shape with a series of circles.
Then I went to get the compound curve by shrink wrapping it to a sphere, but it was a total mess as a single face. Eventually I used a grid plane and knife project to create the topo we have now…

trick is I want the inner edges of this (the ones we are talking about now to have a smaller radius than the ones on top…

actually as I think about this perhaps modeling this in 2D to start and duplicating and offsetting by 120 is the wrong approach.

Perhaps using a collection of spheres (8 if I am counting right would produce this shape in the gap between them all… but how to tease it out

thanks for your response

I just recently started using tinycad and it’s been a real help

array object offset is something I will look at, I did this one with a calculator

next attempt is moving along, the shape I want is in there
I still need a series of cylinders from the top
this is about to become an exercise in negative space and I am not sure how to do that yet

Thanks, to all who responded
I was on the wrong track trying to start in 2D and weld it together
but I got there in the end