Merge Action Strips in the NLA editor

is it possible?

Action strips contain keyframes. So, in theory, you could create a new action strip and put the keyframes from two different action strips into a single action strip. The copy and paste buttons can be used for this.

There would be no “instancing” at this point. The new strip would have no internal link to the previous action strips. Are you looking to maintain some kind of link between parts of strip and make a “master” strip?

Hi Atom, it worked! thanx
could you answer thisquestion???

I would guess the rig just needs an additional parent.

That is how freakydude setup the stickman rig. It worked fine, I could action strip animate the character, then simply keyframe the rig parent and move it anywhere without re-kying the action strips.

Uhmm you are right i would need to improve my rigs, but i was not talking about rigs there, i was talking about any object with motion. Is it obligatory to have the objects parented to something (path and/or armatures/and or another obejcts) to be able to keep its objectdata local and then be able to move it keeping the original aniamtion???
please help on this cuz i don´t get the point, i m used to work with programs that lets you encapsulate all your info, like for example in flash; you can create a movieclip and then instance it, or in After Effects you can create a comp and then put it inside another as a layer…
do you get my point guys???

someone is gonna answer?¿?

There would be no “instancing” at this point. The new strip would have no internal link to the previous action strips. Are you looking to maintain some kind of link between parts of strip and make a “master” strip?

You can actually duplicate strips that are linked. Hit a strip and press Shift+D
and both those actions are ‘linked’ - so if one gets updated, the others do too.

If you want to tweak an individual later on, you can select it, go into the Action
Editor and make a single copy there.

Hope that helps.

Where are these? I can duplicate keyframes and I can copy, but I can’t find a way to paste.

I’m trying to make animations for use in Doom 3 and used the NLA editor to blend between two actions, but I need them in a single action so I can export it.