I am trying to merge these objects:
But only the surface that is visible is needed, how would I go about doing this?
I am trying to merge these objects:
But only the surface that is visible is needed, how would I go about doing this?
Use the boolean / Union modifier
Join them, make a mesh that just surrounds them and use the shrinkwrap modifier
Join them and manually delete internal vertices and clean surface
Depending on the look you want metaballs (will not have sharp edges between spheres) converted to a mesh (you could use the metaballs to create the cage for the shrinkwrap modifier method above though would have a messy mesh)
This is just how I would have personally done this, but maybe you’ll find something useful in it.
I would create cubes and combined them into one object based on size (meshes still separate)
Once I have them separated by scale I would add subsurf modifiers and play with the number
of steps till they face size is roughly the same. As the final step, apply all the subsurf modifiers
and join the objects into one. Which brings us to the fun part of merging all the meshes into one
surface. It should be quite a bit easier to combined and give a much cleaner mesh that booleans.
Thanks for the help.
The metaball method seemed to have been the easiest and fastest way to do it, since getting a clean mesh isn’t that important in this scenario.