Trying to do something with low poly. Merry Christmas !
Hey there itsMeBender
I really like your low poly models. I especially like the variation on the camels saddles and general shape of the models.
What I think could improve your render would be some work on the lighting. I’m not sure if it’s just my monitor but it seems too dark. Especially the top region that is almost pitch black.
I would try experimenting with the strength of both light sources in the scene.
In the case of the star/cross, maybe increasing the strength just enough to make the sky texture a bit more visible throughout the rest of the image.
Yes, the lighting was and still is a problem (as usual).
The blue wall in the back (lots of triangles) needed to be dark. Because it’s at night. following a star.
Adding more light, made it more “wall” than “sky”.
It was my first real poly project. But it isnt low poly. The camels where modeled using references and a quick armature. The kings just imagination (simple).