Merry Christmas and a happy New Year

May your each and every Christmas wish be granted to you as a gift that is with you throughout the holidays and overflows into your new year and beyond !

CivX? :confused:


Merry christmas, CivX.

And a happy new year, you moron.

Somebody is very jolly this evening.

Alden, I thought you were being sarcastic!

You spelled your name wrong,Civx.

egan Sorry I am Not Civx You wrong

PurpleMint :You spelled your name wrong,Civx.
Sorry Guys I am Not That personne
Merry Christmas:wink:

Why thank you, I was having a merry christmas until you came back.

It’s “Rocky.”

And why did you link to your own thread Civx?

@PurpleMint Sorry is Not civx

And what Link ?

Terrible spelling and grammar, no visible interest in Blender…
Happy new year, CivX

I was looking forward to exposing him myself :frowning: