Mesh add column...

i’m coming up with some of the standard modling profiles which could be use on your columns!

i should have a new script next week ready

but i like the idea of predefine profile which you can select

that way you can have a lot of different columns’s type

did you look at pics for profiles
there are quit a lot !

happy 2.5

Made a few of my own for initial implementation of base and capital. Your samples and several google results will be used to create a collection for selection.

Having too much fun… almost. Bit of a drag, no real interest in script but do have an update - V 0.8 - ready to use and comment from any and all that are willing to try. Do need to provide some “views” of results, I think this is better than just “OK”; see first post for general info and usage.

i ran this in latest built in text window!

where should i see the panel ?
is it tool panel or tool pro may be !

beginning to look nice from the doc page!


Never thought I’d have to explain how to see the parameter settings - yep, in toolbar. If you don’t have it displayed use “t” to show toolbar and the options will appear below “Object Tools” when added (last operator).

ok i think it does not work when run from the text editor !

did you test that ?

also there is a new structure for the addon folder
is there any prefered fodler in which to add this one?


My bad - I don’t run scripts in text (python) window, just use toolbar - (2.57) standard for install and usage

java waht’s that !LOL

i’m talking about running it in the blender text editor
which i use all the time to debug

unless necessary to run in as an addon!


Now I’m struggling… sadly I am not a mathematician, and not quite able to properly create a “flute”. Have made several interesting results, but not the desired outcome.

Reduced to following:

    stepD = DepthOfFlute/(FACETS/2) # in, and out, range...
        t = angle + (i*stepD)
        x1 = (radius - (stepD * i)) * cos(t)
        y1 = (radius - (stepD * i)) * sin(t)

Input is: DepthOfFlute-offset from radius for flute; FACETS- number of faces for flute; radius-offset from current 3D cursor, angle-position along “radial curve” to start flute.

Got tired of “trial-and-error”, thinking I just don’t know what I’m doing (not a mathematician), hoping someone else might know how to “fix”.

Please ignore obvious misuse of “stepD” for all calculations; was trying to simplify for discussion purposes.

To clarify - what I want to do is… create a flute (sub-curve along a radius).

Pseudo code is:

From starting point, create curve, offset depth to radius, to end point.
Based on: radius, (starting at) angle (along radius); create curve, using steps (number of sub-curve edges), using offset depth, to target (end point along radius).

I have a circle, have determined a point along the perimeter to include a sub-curve (inner or outer). Should probably just calculate new center (point between start and end along curve) and generate sub-curve but trying to do so using “starting point” (not center); as noted by code.

Hope that makes sense.

Finally worked out how to do (mostly) what I was trying to do. Updated my wiki (and original post) with notes. Following is code I finally wound up with to accomplish “sub-curve” along radius for flutes:

    newpoints = []

    if sides < 2: sides = 2 # min number of sides.

    halfSides = sides/2 # common value efficiency variable.

    stepD = Ad/halfSides # in and out depth variation per side.

    divSides = 0
    curStep = 1

    while curStep <= halfSides:
        divSides += curStep*curStep

    stepCurve = target/(divSides*2) # logorithmic delta along radius for sides.

    curStep = 0

    t = angle

    # curvature in
    while curStep < halfSides:
        t = t + (curStep*curStep*stepCurve)
        x1 = (radius - (stepD * (curStep+1))) * cos(t)
        y1 = (radius - (stepD * (curStep+1))) * sin(t)
        newpoints.append([x1, y1, zpos])

    # curvature out - includes mid-point...
    while curStep:
        t = t + (curStep*curStep*stepCurve)
        x1 = (radius - (stepD * curStep)) * cos(t)
        y1 = (radius - (stepD * curStep)) * sin(t)
        newpoints.append([x1, y1, zpos])

    return newpoints

Script has been moved to contrib so now tracking source in SVN. Still waiting to update Blender-wiki so maintaining notes externally.