Hello. Would you recommend me some cool way to shape the mesh relatively quickly as shown in the screenshot below? area marked in red.
I mainly mean a method that allows you to move all vertexes of the lower edge of the marked area at once in such a way that on the tighter arc they spread closer to each other, and on the smoother one, further away from each other, the internal vertices will not be a problem then, because they can be easily arranged using one of the “Smooth” methods.
Thank for Your advice.
I would suggest selectively weight painting vertex groups to those edges you want curved, then either parent your text object to an armature or attach a Curve modifier to your text object to follow a curve that is set to the text object’s vertex group.
You want a great many… selecting the lower vertices from this upper curve without the on in the corner and using G G (slide on edge) almost does the trick expect it breaks the sliding direction on some point so you may have to do this i two steps. Sadly this next inner edges has also to be worked on int hte same way (idea: or you delete them and use grid fill??).
Once that is done, you select the entire loop you want to modify, leaving out the single corner vertex, and use the “space” tool from the looptools addon.
As usual, I forgot about this solution Despite the fact that it requires some work, it seems to be the most appropriate when it comes to keeping the shape of the mesh.