Mesh changing when rendered!

I’v created an animation with simple displace modifier and textures and it looks just fine in rendered view but as soon as i hit render it deforms to this low poly mess,what am i doing wrong? thanks in advance

You’re not supplying a .blend file or relevant screenshots to troubleshoot your issue. Sure, I could start posting wild guesses concerning the reason for this, but actually I don’t like guessing games.

Please help us to help you and ALWAYS supply a .blend file with any support question.


Rendered View is a view of Viewport.
Most of times, if result is different in Viewport and at Render, it is because setting for Viewport is different than setting for Render.
Here, it is probably the case for subdivision levels of subdivision surface modifier.
But it may also be Subdivision levels Under Simplify panel of scene tab or Subdivision rate of Geometry panel of render tab.

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Probable modifiers have different setting for render.

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Hi, I just found this thread after attempting to answer your question on your other thread. Anyway, aside from making sure the render subdivision level is the same for render as it is for view, make sure you have your modifiers enabled for render as well:

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ill do that next time, thanks :slight_smile:

that was it, thanks :slight_smile:

it worked, thanks :slight_smile: