Mesh Checker 1

Over time the most common problem with the BrayBaker script seems to be loose verts and edges.

Thus I wrote this little script to find those and in case people want, place empties at the problem points.

It’s quite simple but it should save people some time and make it easier to find what’s wrong.

I hope it’s usefull for some other purposes as well, but I can’t think of any right now. Surprise me :wink:

Find the script here:

Nice !!! I will try this when I will have more free time :).

I don’t know how hard it would be, but it would be nice if bRay did a quick check for loose vertices before running. I’ve been using bRay for a couple weeks (great tool by the way, Thanks!) and it typically runs four to eight hours since I’m baking global illumination. It would be really nice to find out if the script was going to crash before several hours of computer time have been invested.

Yes… This is good idea :). Better than actual solution, I mean better than use 2 separate scripts: Mesh Checker and after BrayBaker.

But Mesh Checker should be also standalone script… For general checking correct of meshes. :slight_smile:

True… I’ll think about your suggestion War… but… It would be quite a mayor addition. BRayBaker is already quite a heavy script. The mesh checker has quite some similar code to the BRayBaker, but everything in it has been altered somewhat for this purpose.

It wouldn’t be hard to add… I just haven’t decided whether or not it’s desirable. I’ll certainly keep a sepparated version ot the mesh checker online/available.