Mesh deforms straingly

I’m working with the character animation book from blender, and I’ve got a problem.
I’m at the point of using shape keys, and in edit mode my eyes are at the right position in the mesh, but when I go into object mode the go back a few inches.
I’ve tried to move them in object mode, so they look right, but then they are in front of the face in edit mode.
The face in object mode looks a little deformed.

I’ve got the same kind of problem working with an armature, in pose mode if you have edit a bone the figure looks al jiggly, than I go back into edit mode and the position is normal again,
When I after going into editmode go back into pose mode the positions are normal, until I move one bone.

Can any of you help me with these problems.

Thanks a lot


Could you please post a blend ? … This could have many causes … Please post a blend with the problems you are having … It’s kind of hard to decipher the cause from your description …

Hello Vertex Pusher,

I’ve tried adding an attachment, but my blend file is to large, 15Mb
Could I e-mail it to you?

Thanx a lot


I’ll just post the location where you can download it.
That I didn’t think of that before.

You might have to copy and paste the URL into your browser, than it does work.

I hope some of you will take the time and effort to look at this file, I really appreciate it.

thanks a lot


Use this :

It’s free and the guy who runs it is a Blenderhead . The file size limit is 400 MB …

I’ve tried to put in an URL, but it wasn’t accepted by the forum.
Let me try that again.

copy this line to you’re browser and it will work, I hope :slight_smile:

Sorry that didn’t work … Do I have to add www. or just the http:// part ? … I tried both and neither worked … I wonder how high your post count has to be before they let you post a URL ?

You could try and PM me (not sure if they allow links for new users) with your site’s link and I could try to find your file from there …

I discovered that the website frankscorner wasn’t working yesterday, I tried it again today and it did work.
Sorry for the hassle.
Would you try it again, please?

If it doesn’t work I’ll send you a personal mesage


You have 2 armature modifiers in your mesh’s modifier stack . One that is “virtual” which is automatically created when you parented the character to your mesh and another which you must have added not realizing that you already had an armature modifier . Just delete the “virtual” one (you need to “make real” first, and just delete it) and the jumping from Object to Edit mode will stop . You will have to reposition the eyes after this, but your main mesh will quit behaving strangely …

The mesh is also slightly off the global origin . Just clear that with Alt-G . It is generally a good idea for the mesh’s object center to be the same as the armature’s, which should be the COG (Center Of Gravity) located in the lower stomach above the groin for most humanoid characters …

There is also the problem of the armature’s rotation in Object Mode … I usually tell people to just apply it with Ctrl-A, but in your case because of the fact that you used the Action constraint for the finger controls this isn’t a good idea since it will just screw up all your work . Just keep in mind that you have a 90 degree rotation along the X axis when you go and try to apply a stride path for walk cycles etc.

Always have the Transform Properties panel open (hit N in 3D view) when rigging to see how everything is oriented and located in 3D space . Just doing this will save you a lot of grief later on .

Thanx very much you were very helpfull.

I still do have some questions:

Quote:the mesh’s object center to be the same as the armature’s, which should be the COG (Center Of Gravity) located in the lower stomach above the groin for most humanoid characters …

What is the mesh object center, is it the pinky dot?
How do I move it?
And where should I move it to?

Then I still have this problem with the eyes popping out, when I put them back in position and go into pose mode, edit mode and object mode, the eyes don’t stay in the same place.

How could I fix this.

Thnx a lot for you’re help so far


What is the mesh object center, is it the pinky dot?
How do I move it?
And where should I move it to?

  1. Yes
  2. Go into Object Mode for both the mesh and armature . Select the armature object then Shift-S-> Cursor to Selection . Now just select the mesh and from the 3D header -> Object -> Transform -> Center Cursor
  3. To the armature’s center :wink:

Then I still have this problem with the eyes popping out, when I put them back in position and go into pose mode, edit mode and object mode, the eyes don’t stay in the same place.
Like I said you need to “make real” the virtual armature and delete that not the armature modifier you added manually… And if all else fails select your eye meshes and join them to the main one with Ctrl-J . They do not have to be separate objects . And as long as you do not link them to the main mesh (like with an edge) you can easily select them in Edit Mode with the L hot key . Just make them vertex groups and assign a bone to animate them each(use the Shift-S menu to snap the bones to the eye’s center) …

And BTW I just noticed that you have cyclic dependencies in your leg set up … you might want to double check the parenting relationships there …

Thanx a lot, you were very helpfull, I can go on with my project now.


I still seem to have a problem with the Eyes.
I’ve done all the above, and deleted the shape keys in order to join the mesh of the eyes to the mesh of the body.
When I go into edit mode and back into object mode, everything seems fine.
than when I close the file and re-open it, the eyes are put back way in there pockets.
What can I do about this?

thnx lex222

I shouldn’t be doing this, but I don’t understand why you are still having trouble …

Here is your file fixed …

You just needed to make real the “virtual” armature modifier and delete that … The eyes are still separate objects …

Thnx again
