Mesh deforms when I render through camera

Hi everybody, I’ve got a problem with my blend file. the point is that, I 've an animation in blender 2.53 and when it comes to render it through the camera, the mesh goes weird. But when I animate, there is no problem its only when I render (F12) that the mesh egts deformed:/ :frowning: Can someone plz help me?? I have uploaded the file, feel free to check it and let me know plz plz plz

Your file doesn’t show up. But it sounds like you have some modifier in place that is set for Render but not for UI Display, so you don’t see it when “animating” in the UI but it is in effect when rendering.

Thanks, you were right, the armature modifier was applied twice, by accident and that’s what caused the mesh to deform while rendering. Thanks a lot for you help :slight_smile: