[Mesh editing] Deformation smoothing

Ok, here it is:

  • Smooth around selection, demo - http://recordit.co/MbcrBnUp2g
    Same as before, but i removed collisions check (was not that useful, after all + moved to separate operator, see below) and added normal alignment with smoothing+some other options

  • Restore at bounds/Inside, demo - http://recordit.co/PwiXJzRcra
    It restores postitions of selected vertices to initial state, with optional blending between current and initial positions at selection bounds (see demo). Usefull for blending several edits with surround geometry

  • Revert to first collision, demo - http://recordit.co/nafO1q9uju
    It interpolate changes between initial state and current state and stops RIGHT BEFORE there is an intersection with any collision-enabled object in scene (straighforfard step-by-step checks). Check demo - i adding collision modifier to separated object before proceeding. Useful to avoid surface penetration with scene objects, right in-place (without setting physics/etc simulations)

  • Refitting block, demo - http://recordit.co/vNnPgoaBmU
    Helps to make fast in-place deformating without setting up curves/armatures/etc stuff on separate objects. You need to store TARGET edges first (closed circuits are NOT supported). Then you can just move/clone mesh parts to this edges by selecting any “basement” edge as “axis”

  • Symmetrize/Copy topology, demo - http://recordit.co/9tb8imkl5T
    Operator uses two verts - “source” and “target”. Then it tries to find “same edges” (using pinned state) and apply vertex shifts from around first vert to second. Optionally mirroring (so it can be used as symmetrize). Since operator use pinned state - you can rotate or scale “target” part of the mesh - still having ability to reconstruct topology changes on it

  • Align to saved selection, demo - http://recordit.co/ETJqEwjwJY
    “just another” align tool with the twist. It works “in place” and use only SELECTED (before pinning) faces as “aligning surface”. So you can align mesh parts to different mesh parts without interfering or boring setup. Can align mesh as whole (using active vert normal as “axis”) or can align face strips (in this case operatpr just rotates every face until it normal is paralel to nearest face normal in “aligning surface” - so it is not very “precise”, slightly deforms strip). In demo you can see strip “collapse” sometimes - this happens on the edge of selection (selected before pinning), since unselected faces (before pinning) are totally ignored during alignment

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Thank you. I played a bit with, but there are different results between your firt and your new version.
In the clip you can see your new one and your previous one (added into t+ align).

I recognized that your first script allows to restrict the interpolation just with selection.
Maybe you add into your new one?

Looking at gif - you tried “Restore at bounds” while initial script was operator, currently named as “Smooth deformations”.
So you comparing different functions, “Smooth deformations” works as before (but without collision checks - they are removed)

“Smooth deformations” change mesh around selection, while “Restore *” change mesh inside selection

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Quite fancy stuff
I didn’t know this was possible even.

Great idea! Bravo!

Wow great tools! thanks for sharing!

Will this get updated to Blender 2.8? I’m looking into switching and moving my setup over, and I’d really miss this!

Eventually yes (planning to move on 2.8 too), but not soon… sorry //

Can recommend Bézier Mesh Shaper v0.9.0 - some tasks that was intended when this smoother was created are better handled by it (and there is already 2.8 version)

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Oh yeah, I love Bézier Mesh Shaper, but I still find myself missing your addon as well :slight_smile:

@IPv6 Any update on this? Still really miss your addon :smiley:

Still not yet, sorry // planning to port everything i need (including this) to 2.9+ at autumn…

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I updated addon for Blender 2.80. now it is packed with even more functions

Check video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-A6TDO-7Eug
Download page (Free) - https://gumroad.com/l/xlxUe

Video has one additional operator - Geodesic outline - it is not included in this addon, but it is included into Geodesic outline addon here - https://gumroad.com/l/wpl_geodo. Feel free to buy and support developers :grin:

To avoid misunderstanding:
https://gumroad.com/l/wpl_geodo - $, smooth deforms + geodesic outline
https://gumroad.com/l/xlxUe - Free, smooth deforms only