Hi everyone,
my problem with this assets is that they are kind of deformed. Is there a way to straight them up?Lik select the wohl object and then straight it up(cant it in the middle to select half of it because it has so many individual meshes in it)
Welcome ,
because it seems to be this an asset for a spaceship (for both sides) are there anny modifiers attached? Otherwise the shear tool would be your friend.
(It’s somekind of SPAM precaution… following the tutorial from the discobot in your messages and spending some minutes here on BA should be enough… you spend less then a minute and read one post…)
The tools with the (new) gizmo seems to be even better usable than just using Ctrl-Shift-Alt S which i did since 2.79 and only discovered a few weeks ago . (And it’s more healthy for my fingers .)