Hi there
I can’t seem to get Blender to recognise a pivot point set in Maya. When a poly object is imported into Blender it’s pivot point or origin is always wrong.
Can it be done?
thanks in advance!
Hi there
I can’t seem to get Blender to recognise a pivot point set in Maya. When a poly object is imported into Blender it’s pivot point or origin is always wrong.
Can it be done?
thanks in advance!
Did you ever find a solution? I’m having the same issue.
that post was so long ago
Alembic and fbx pivot points work for me now - from Maya to Blender
Still having the same problems. Blender will not respect any pivots set in Maya.
Hello! i found this thread while encountering similar problem which is importing my mesh to blender scene. I know this thread is quite old but hopefully this help anyone that find similar issue as this.
I haven’t take a look in depth on how blender perceive imported data from other 3D modeling softwares but from what i can conclude so far is Blender natively doesn’t recognize specific pivot point that you set beforehand in maya.
So, the solution is quite simple which is use maya bake pivot features then export that mesh back into blender. In blender, if u wish to 0 out the value while keeping the pivot position as it is, I do apply all transforms to deltas which work nicely in my case.
dude you are a life saver!