Mesh Slicing, bad topology

Hello everyone

I am working on a workflow where I slice an object by using a mesh-boolean of an array of thin cubes on a target object. Everything works fine, but the cut edges look very untidy and cant be simply fixed with subdivision-surface.

Is there a way to add to the cut-edges a small bevel to look very smooth?

Greetings, Mech

You can fix the shading by introducing crease by angle function to your pipeline, together with adding a ‘Remesh’ & ‘Corrective Smooth’ Modifiers.
Here is an example:
geometry_node_boolean_shadefix.blend (939.9 KB)

*disable modifiers if you wanna tweak the GeoNodes, for better performance.

Thank you for the approach.
But in the end the edges heres are not perfect either.

I found a “cleaner” approach, by laying curves inside the main form and then extruding them, so that their topology is clean, instead of cut-off by the boolean.

(The material is not directly topology-viewer friendly :))