Mesh turns completely black after restart.

Hello all,

I just started texturing my models, to illustrate the problem I have, I created a simple texture for the basic cube model, as you can see in the screenshots… but for some reason, when I restart blender, my mesh turns completely black, and all my textures appear black also… :mad:
I have lights, and a material attached to the object with Texface turned on… I have no idea why all my meshes turn black =/
I hope there is a way to fix this… if anyone knows a solution, please let me know ^ ^
Oh, and I was not really sure where to post this, but since this problem appears after texturing a mesh, I figured it was best to post it here, but if it belongs in the Bugs forum, please move it =)

edit: sorry about the big images… trying to resize them =)

Did you save the image and pack it in the blend file. It looks like you only painted the image in the UV/image editor. This won’t show up when you render it as you need to add a material to your object and add this texture to the material.
It’s difficult to tell as you haven’t bothered to attach your blend file to your post. Images don’t help much as they usually don’t show all the important settings to give a clear answer.

thanks for your reply Richard, I think I know how to fix it ^ ^