Mesh Typologie on simple charakter

Hey guys!
Im working on this little eye monster right now. It will be rigged and animated so the typologie should be very good. Unfortunatly Im pretty noobie on the topologie topic and struggle a lot with it.
Here is what the basic monster is looking like: (dont worrie legs arent finished, right now im just trying to get the basic typologie right)

Im having edge loops around the eye and the legs
Here is my problem:

I was trying to end the edgeflow there in the middle so that it doesnt go around a leg or so. The problem is I couldnt do it with quads, I only got it working with 2 tris (as it is right now). As I understand there should be no tris in the model since its making trouble when animated. This a part that wont move drasticly, do you think it will still make some trouble? Is there a way of getting a smooth edge flow with quads in that area? Do you think the overall topology is working? Im very thankfull for every help.

Isolate and dissolve the edge loops you don’t need. There are some cases where you can use tris and some where they might be crucial (mainly in areas that pinch) , it does however become harder to work on a model with tris since they end edge loops and don’t play nice with some modifiers and tools in Blender.

Hi, Can you kindly share the bend file, I’ll see what can I do.

Thanks for you quick answers guys!
I hope i did explain well enough since english is not my first language.
Here is the blend file
monster.blend (562 KB)