Meshed fabric construction

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to model a mesh fabric around a sort of bubble which will then be animated to fit the shape as in the image below.

I’m having two technical problems:

  1. the mesh must stretch when animated
  2. I need to be able to animate the petals independently.

Which technique do you think I should use to model the meshed fabric? Geometry nodes, tesselation, uv map + bump or other?

Thanks for your feedback,

I do no know your knowledge/experience level… but you may want to have a look at the tissue addon… ?

Maybe a simple parenting and instance on surface is enough… :thinking: … but you may have to shrinkwrap a rhombus-patterned mesh onto your bubble-thingy as a base for this…


Okidoki, thanks a lot for your advices !

I’d say I have an intermediate-beginner level of knowledge.

I used Tessellation with the Tissue Tools to model the petal fabric but encountered a few technical problems :
• How can I get straight mesh when the topology doesn’t allow it? (see attached picture -1.)
• I started with a grid and spherifed the outline but the mesh is narrow on the inside and stretched on the outside. I’d need the opposite. (cf 2. and 3.)

Should I model my fabric in two separate parts; petals and the circle with holes? How can I connect them for the animation?


  1. Animations work by creating objects that are easy to control (useful if animation is difficult in mesh form)

  2. Attach a separate modeled object to the animated object (1) using SurfaceDeform (the two objects should have a similar flow of edges)

  3. Part of the increase may be because the edges of the modeling are not uniform.

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Mabye this mesh should be build explicitly ??
For example by rotating a grid by 45 degree scalign by 2 in Y and inset indivually… you can use a cylinder to use boolean intersect and try with this like so:

…with additional solidfy and subdiv ( one simple on CC)…
…i tried to shrinwrap this on a sphere… but i think this has to be scales to fit more your “bubble” …and also you try to animate this… so this seems a dead end.

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