MeshMonkey’s 10cube #4 - create

Mitosis, the dividing of cells, is what comes to mind when I think of creation. Two cubes for each cell: one for the membrane and one for the nucleus. Materials are simple volumetrics, lighting is only the default point light. The background is a procedural world shader (a quadratic sphere gradient mapped to the camera, distorted by a noise node and coloured through a 2-colour colorramp).


Dang it, I was going to do this one… oh well. Nice squareullar mitosis!

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Haha, thanks! Just do it though, I promise I won’t be mad if your version looks better :laughing:

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nahnahnahnah… It would trump the prompt itself! I think I can do a cool gif if EEVEE allows.


Love this!

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Thank you! Nice to hear.