Meshroom Importer


Blender importer of AliceVision Meshroom datafiles: cameras, images, sparse pointcloud and obj’s.

Basic implementation of meshroom importer. If you have sphisticated node three it will use only the first nodes from the file. It is just a sketch, can be buggy. :slight_smile:
Addon assumes you did compute each stages/nodes, and the output is same.


Just download the whole git and install zip inside Blender.
Important note: For sparse point cloud to import you should change in StructurefromMotion node output: Inter File Extension to .ply format.
File > Import > Import Meshroom or [F3] Import Meshroom. Then select Meshroom working file .mg.


  • Imports Views {StructureFromMotion}
    • imports images if use undisorted then uses node {PrepareDenseScene}
    • creates cameras
  • Imports Sparse point cloud {StructureFromMotion}
  • Imports Dense mesh (instead of dense point cloud) {Meshing}
  • Imports textured mesh {Texturing}

Additional option: by searching [F3] for Meshroom update cameras, you can copy settings from active camera to all meshroom cameras.


  • seach through node tree and give option which elements import;
  • if node is not computed then put some info about it;
  • use undisorted images;
  • use of different images with different sizes. (!)


Big thanks to Jakub Uhlik @carbon2 for sharing Point Cloud Visualizer to view point clouds in the addon BA thread.


Thanks for this. I started playing with Meshroom last week and I love it. The results are stunning. This will be added to my tool belt for sure.

It is still early work ( small error for now is that undistorted doesn’t do anything, will fix that on the weekend ;{ )

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Anything that helps to bring these pieces of software together is a plus in my book :+1:t2:

Any chance we will be able to import dense point clouds with the colour data? Since with this we can import sparse clouds… If I try to import the .abc (Alembic) file directly it loses color info. Thx

.abc importer is still under development at Blender. And there are other important areas to stabilize.
As for color data: At the moment vertices doesn’t support color information. That’s why loosing this data.
It could be converted to point cloud, but as I recall from my attempts it was a little bit unstable in animation etc. ( but I’ve just touch the tip of the topic).

My idea is to create a copy of Meshroom node_tree into blender node_tree, and from there user would import data whatever necessary.

In spare time I will try to update the plugin to import other stuff, I’ve already updated undistortion issue, and started creating Meshroom node_tree class in Blender. Now I need to handle all the options, and exceptions.