
A few weeks ago I was in need for a plugin that would enable me to align multiple scans to each other. I did find a plugin that could indeed align scans (, but it annoyed me that I had to place markers again and again each time I wanted to align the same two objects.

I’ve since written a plugin based on patmo141’s work that does things a little differently: placed markers stay with the object forever unless you decide to get rid of them. There are basic functions for importing meshes from your Meshroom project and turning UDIM textures into a single texture sheet.
Aligning can be done in two ways: either you align your object to other existing and prepared objects, or, if it’s symmetrical, you can align the object to the X axis along its symmetry axis.

Is this of interest to other Blender users, and if so, are there features you’d like to see?

You can download the zip here:


I’ve fixed a number of issues and integrated them into the 1.0 release as well:

  • Two plugin-breaking bugs that emerged after renaming variables
  • The plugin had a folder structure that made it hard to install from a .zip file

These two should be fixed now.
I’ll be uploading a small video showcasing the workflow of importing, cleaning, texture packing and aligning later this week.

If you had downloaded the plugin before, you should probably wipe the old version from your Blender and re-download the new .zip.

Does not say it has been updated on Github. Thanks

It seems like Github doesn’t track edited releases or opened issues, for me it only shows “updatd 5 days ago”, too.

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