Messed up my Move Tool

(I think I’m posting this in the right place. Please forgive me if I’m not.)

I’ve somehow messed up my Move Tool, and I don’t know how to get it back. In User Perspective View, when using the Move Tool, and clicking on and moving the center circle, instead of moving in the Default Orientation, it seems to now be jerkily (is that even a word?) moving toward the view.

Aha! I just discovered that if I hold Ctrl while moving it, it moves in the correct space again. But how do I switch it back?

Thanks in advance for any help.


Hm, by default holding Ctrl moves with Snapping if it’s disabled, and moves WITHOUT it if it’s enabled. Could it be enabled now? This “magnet” icon:

Lucy That's It!

I must’ve accidentally hit Shift-Tab at some point(?) Thank you so much. That was driving me batty.