Messy mesh distortions

I did something stupid: I downloaded a free .3ds file from a model database, converted it to .obj format with a free online converting service ( and imported the .obj file into blender. I did not expect this to work (because these kind of mesh conversions are usually prone to failure) and was surprised how far I got, so I don’t want to give up yet.

The remaining issue are those weird distortions on single faces as you see them on the attached image.

Blend file:
and here is the converted .obj file (shared from google drive)

What is causing the shading distortions? How can I get rid of them?

I researched and tried

  • removing doubles (with different threshold settings)
  • recalculating normals (in- and outside)
  • making planar faces
  • work in auto-merge mode
  • etc.

(several times, in different order) without success yet.
What’s also weird: I moved some veritves in auto merge mode and I had the impression that some faces don’t have their typical yellow dot at their center? Can a mesh really be so broken?

I’ll be thankfull for any advice. kind regards, oyser


Thank you, JA12, that does the trick. “Custom split normals”… so much to learn still :wink: