Messy Vertices

When I retopologize, aside from shrinkwrap and mirror modifiers, I do everything by hand. However, this means uneven lines (in this example, they are especially obvious at the pants and chest).

I’m already using Face Project to snap the vertices to the surface of a sculpture, so I don’t know how I would use Increment snapping (not that I think it would play nicely with shrinkwrap either), so what other options am I left with?

I think the best way is to do it by hand, but with Loop Tools (Relax, Space), it will be easier.

As you work keep using Smooth Vertices. In Vertex Select mode it is on the Right Click Menu. It is also in the Vertex Menu at the top. I have it in my Quick Favorites so its easy to use in vertex, edge or face mode. Use Shift-R to repeat the command.

You can jump into sculpt mode and smooth by holding down the Shift key. It helps to turn on wireframe in the Overlays menu up on the top right by the render modes.

For the elbows search blender elbow topology and look at the images.
For the face - topology face loops… Note how they look like masks with loops around the eyes, mouth, nose and nostrils. With a big loop around the whole face. Thats the best way for animation because there is less stretching…
Save images and make your own reference collection. Or join Pintrest. There are 100’s of good collections of reference and topology shared on there. Look at the non-Blender stuff too.

With the Loop Tools > Space, click the arrow to the left of the word space and change Input from Selection to Parallel (all) to make it work around the body rather than with one edge. Lots of the tutorials dont mention this. You may often change between Selection and Parallel…

Good luck. Good topology can be hard to learn.

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