Met Garryman, a little cartoon guy that likes to ban people

How can i make black outlines between his hood and his face?

Someone please help!

You could just model a black ring the thinkness that you want the line to be and set it so it fits in the hole.

make the ring ‘shadeless’ so that it doesn’t get shadows/highlights

What I love about this character is the name “garry” and the fact he “bans people” reminds me of a certain mod’s forums :stuck_out_tongue:

How can i make black outlines between his hood and his face?

extrude the face far enough into his hood. This will give him black lines there.

Distance (between objects & shapes) and sharpness (of edges) effect the thickness of the black lines.

Other things that effect the thickness of the black lines are:

  1. ‘Eint’ in the Edge Settings
  2. ‘AntiShift’ in the Edge Settings (needs Unified Render enabled)
  3. a different startvalue for the camera

There could be more, but I don’t know any.

Ban everybody here!


I dont really understand what you mean. The face is just a spere.

Oh, I thought you did extruded it, only not far enough. It could be a solution (you do know how to extrude?).

But if you wanna keep the face+hood as a sphere, then applying a black outline texture would be a solution.

What is the easiest way to make this guy walk?

You could try to add a bone to the center of the body sphere, with its end point in the foot, you want to move. just add the modifier to the foot, not to the body and you may move the feet in circles around the body.