Greetings fellow blenderers
I am working with 2.59. Adding metaballs via the UI works fine. Adding metaballs with the following Python code adds them to the scene, but nothing is rendered: the white 2D circle is displayed, but not the iso-surface.
I went through every property in the property panel, comparing the UI added metaball with the manually added one, but could not figure out what is missing. Any hint would be greatly appreciated. I guess I need to set a master or main metaball someplace…
# a new metaball was added with the UI, with the object having
# the default name Mball and the actual metaball named "Meta"
# these two lines immitate the naming upon adding a second one"Meta.001")"Mball.001",mb)
P.S. googling for this problem didn’t turn up anything what I could use, but I am feeling a bit of craving for meatballs right now.