Metaballs and custom property values in 2.56 api

So i can create metaballs all day with bpy.ops (im in 2.56a btw)

but i’d rather use for a number of reasons.
I can create the object, the metaball, the elements, and seemingly set the properties (ie radius, type) the circles appear but the actual metaballs do not.

mglob ='mglob000')
mglob.threshold = 1.0

oglob ='oglob000', mglob) = mglob
eglob ='BALL') = [0.1,0.1,0.1]
eglob.radius = 1.0
eglob.stiffness  = 1.0 = eglob

Also - I would also like to add a custom property to each of these metaballs as I create them. I assume I can do that with bpy.ops.wm.propertys_add() once I can assign a name and a datapath.

anyone else had any success adding/manipulating custom properties in py?

Thanks for your help.

figured out the custom properties part

bpy.types.Object.myNewProperty = bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty()

or whatever property type…
I have to say that’s an incredibly cool and useful feature. Can’t believe it took me so long to find the right syntax…

Still no luck on the metaball generation but I imagine I’ll stumble on the answer eventually.